The beginning… This is honestly the hardest part for me because what I write now will determine what kind of blog it will be. Plus I’m not a good writer, and I don’t think I’ll ever be, but I do know that the more you work on anything, the better you will become. So bear with me because it’s going to be a bumpy beginning.
I know that I will spend forever writing this if I try to make it “perfect”, so I decided to make our lives a lot easier by spitting out whatever comes in my head and go from there. let us start at the beginning. I am Mitchell Quinn Austin and I was born on November 15, 1994, in the city of Rochester, NY. I’m not going to bore you with my background story at the moment, that’s for later.
it’s quite amazing that I’m actually doing this because I have been trying to make a blog or vlog for many years and I finally have something that I can talk about (pat on the back). I’m writing this blog because for the next three years ill be living in Japan, getting off my gluteus maximus to explore all the amazing things that it has to offer. I want to show you all the cool places that I will get lost in and somehow come back in one piece with a story to tell. So yeah. that’s the beginning.