If you didn’t already know this about me, well, now you do.
I have a passion for collecting knives, especially chef knives. During my birthday trip to Kyoto, I set out on a mission to acquire knives that resonate with my sense of touch and appreciation for beauty. (In the future, I’d like to build my kitchen and display all my knives on the wall, creating an art gallery vibe.) This turned out to be a fantastic idea because, while exploring the narrow streets to discover these unique shops, I brought along my camera to capture moments along the way.
One of the things I adore about Japan is the abundance of picturesque scenes – every corner, building, street, or alleyway seems to offer a perfect photo opportunity. Although I’m aware that my time in Japan is drawing to a close, I’m determined to capture more snapshots with an artistic flair in the time I have left. I aim to spend more time immersing myself in the exact moment, as opposed to investing minutes or longer in creating that moment.
I’ll truly miss Kyoto. My fondest memories of Japan were made right here, especially during my solo travels. From good and bad moments to the crazy and the relaxing, fast-paced and slow, it’s been a mix. Kiyomizu-Dera, Higashiyama Jisho-ji, and Chishaku-in Somon stand out as my favorite places. Interestingly, most of my nature photos were taken there.